350kN 水冷式大型振動試験装置をPATAC社(中国 上海)に導入予定

English follows Japanese
IMVは水冷式大型振動試験装置Kシリーズの大加振力350kN クラスのシステムを中国上海の自動車開発メーカー Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center(以下PATAC社)様に2020年導入予定です。
K350は世界最大級の加振力を有しながら、76.2mmp-p 変位(3 インチストローク) を採用し、さらに最大速度3.5m/s の高速度衝撃試験などのハイスペックを実現した振動試験装置です。
今回納入されるK350は、PATAC社が現在建設している次世代の電気自動車の開発・評価センター内に設置予定で、EV車の普及にともない需要が増えたバッテリ・モータ等の振動評価試験が実施可能です。加えて大型の加振台を有しており(テーブル寸法 水平:3×3m、垂直:3×2.3m)バス用の大型バッテリなどを対象とした振動試験にも対応しています。
Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center Co., Ltd. (汎亜汽車技術中心有限公司)
IMV will install a water cooled large vibration test system with a force rating of 350 kN at Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center (PATAC),
IMV will install a water cooled large vibration test system with a force rating of 350 kN at Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center (PATAC), an automotive development company in Shanghai, China in 2020.
The world premium K350 has a displacement of 76.2 mm p-p and a shock velocity rating of 3.5 m/s. This makes the K350 capable of a 100 g, 11 ms shock pulse with exceptional force rating.
The K350 will be installed in the next-generation electric vehicle development and evaluation center which is currently being built by PATAC. The vibration evaluation test for batteries or motors of electric vehicle is possible and a large table (table size : horizontal 3 x 3 m, vertical 3 x 2.3 m) enables to support vibration tests of large batteries for a bus.
We expect that it can be widely used for battery testing of EV vehicles, which are expected to be increasingly in demand in the future.
Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center Co., Ltd.
The Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center (or PATAC) is a joint venture between General Motors and SAIC Motor. It is a design and engineering center in Pudong, Shanghai, China, and is involved in engineering for Shanghai GM products, but also functions as one out of six technical development and design centers worldwide of General Motors.